Subject Re: [firebird-support] What about: New Buil-in function Bool() or Boolean() or BoolCast()
Author eMeL
> > And, as a portuguese speaker, i could argue that in my language 'S'
> > and 'N' are equivalente to 'Y' and 'N', and anyone could ask to put
> > their native language letters inside this function, and what would
> > happen with a language where the word YES starts with the letter 'N'?
> You can always use smallint and 0,1


if you make an offhand report, your user dont know 0 and 1 against
natural language characters ;)

You can write wrong code with integer boolean too [semantical error!]:
(SmallIntBool <> 0) --> (SmallIntBool <> 10) or (SmallIntBool <> 354)

BoolCast() is a better way to convert semantical problem to syntacs check ;)

I think the is an
imaginative idea and exactly resolve yours problem: what the better
method for boolean storage.

No good answer! as like as "what the better program language?", but have
a new idea for eliminate this problem ;)

"what would happen with a language where the word YES starts with the
letter 'N'" : It's not a problem for a good designed BoolCast(). Must
teach it for true/false ;)
