Subject Re: [firebird-support] "Object is in use" even after reconnecting
Author Teträm Corp
developer@... a écrit :
> Hi,
> I try to create a DB using Delphi 7, JvUIB's components and fbembed.dll (1.5.2, n
> ot renamed). I have a script that runs fine with IBExpert (that uses the same fbe
> mbed.dll), but running it in my program statement-by-statement I keep getting "Ob
> ject is in use" error no matter how I manage a transaction for DML queries: commi
> t after each statement or commit after all statements executed. Also I tried to d
> isconnect from the DB and connect again to create the FKs, but no success for som
> e reason (with the same error). Also I tried to use "built-in" syntax for FKs (i.
> e. within CREATE TABLE) - the same result.
> Does anybody know what's wrong and how to fix the problem?
> Thank you.
which version of JvUIB are you using?
