Subject RE: [firebird-support] Beginer questions: Front-end, ANSI compliance, advanced features
Author Alan McDonald
> I am new to FireBird and want to use it as a back-end to my .NET
> applications. I have few queries regarding this:
> (1) Is FireBird 100% ANSI-SQL compliant?
is any system 100% compliant?
I think FB is more compliant than possibly ones you are used to - to the
extent that you will believe at first, that your previous system is more so,
when in fact, FB is the compliant one.

> (2) Does it support advanced database features like replication,
> multi-version concurrency control (MVCC), clustering etc?
there are several replication tools around, free and commercial - see for a listng
some one else can comment on MVCC and clustering

> (3) Which is the best GUI front-end for working with FireBird?
again - go to - there are many all good - your choice, try
them all
> (4) Can it be easily connected to .NET (1.1/2.0) and what performance
> level is achieved with .NET applications?
join the

> (5) Does it have an automated backup feature?
again, many tools available, see ibphoenix for a full listing
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