Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.0.1, XNET protocol and Events
Author Guido Klapperich
>> Doesn't IBO have a separate IBEvent class/component (that could also
>> cause the issue by itself)?
> Yes it has. I'm in the progress of testing the class. I hope, I can find
> some information.

I have just created a small test app, that registers a event after it
connects to the database via XNet protocol. When I start two instances
of the app and do some connects and disconnects, I can crash the server.
In the firebird.log is always the same

W2K (Client) Tue Jul 24 22:34:17 2007
XNET error (xnet:1609) Server shutdown detected

W2K (Client) Tue Jul 24 22:34:17 2007
XNET error (xnet:2040) connection lost: another side is dead
