Subject RE: [firebird-support] Detecting FBEMBED vs. FBCLIENT.DLL
Author Alan McDonald
> I have an application that I'm working on that will run either Single User
> or Multi-User and its licensing is different in these modes. In
> multi-user
> we are using a semi-3 tier approach for the application, but in
> single user
> its just two tier (app + local FB database).

Then surely your users need to declare some difference in their setup to
achieve one of these 2 states... e.g. a servername:drive:\path\filename.ext
or servername:alias Vs drive:path\filenbame.ext (i.e. missing servername)
connection string will determine which licensing state your app is running
there doesn't seem to be any need for what you are thinking of below.


> I'm thinking that FB Embedded for the single user is perfect, but if the
> user wishes to run the application with a network database
> server, they will
> need FBCLIENT.DLL installed for network access. In multi-user mode, there
> are also a number of services provided by a 'server' application that we
> have developed that are also required, but the client
> communicates directly
> with the database server in multi-user configuration.
> I need a way to detect if the user is running the app (Delphi 7) against a
> FB Embedded database or against a FB network database. Are there
> any calls
> that can be made to the client DLL that will tell me which client DLL is
> being used so that we can detect this on startup?
> Myles