Subject FB Server shuts down every few Minutes
Author Guido Klapperich
Since I have updated my FB server from 1.5 to 2.0.1 I have the problem,
that the server shuts down every few minutes. Here is a example from the

W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 11:42:19 2007
XNET error (xnet:1609) Server shutdown detected
W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 11:42:19 2007
XNET error (xnet:2040) connection lost: another side is dead
W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 11:42:58 2007
XNET error (xnet:1609) Server shutdown detected
W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 11:42:58 2007
XNET error (xnet:2040) connection lost: another side is dead
W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 12:06:23 2007
XNET error (xnet:1609) Server shutdown detected
W2K (Client) Fri Jul 20 12:06:23 2007
XNET error (xnet:2040) connection lost: another side is dead

After the server has shut down, I restart the service. But as you can
see, it only takes minutes till the server crashes again. I had never
such problems with FB 1.5. Any idea what causes the server to shut down?
Any help is appreciated.

