Subject RE: [firebird-support] multiple inserts in trigger
Author Ross Ryding

Guess I am being slow this morning, why handle NULLS, should they not be
a miss-compare and thus write a record to the secondary table (audit table)?
Do not understand infinite recursion to check for. Basically the trigger is
fired once when the mrp screen moves to another screen. During that time 1
or more fields could have been changed (I get one trigger for many updates)
at that point I test the fields and update ones that are appropriate. Could
you please explain in a little more detail.

Thanks ross


[] On Behalf Of Alexandre Benson
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] multiple inserts in trigger

Ross Ryding wrote:
> I am trying to do multiple inserts to the same table in a trigger.
> The purpose of the script is to provide an audit of a table. The
> trigger is AFTER UPDATE on my JOBS table. The inserts are going to
> DO_AUDIT which is a table to just monitor changes to tables. If i
> then run the application and modify any one field it funtions fine,
> if I modify 2 or more fields it hangs.
> Basically it tests each field for old <> new and if that is true it
> does an insert into the table with information necessary to audit.
> If two of the tests or more are true, it hangs from the aplllication
> point of view. I am sure it is something to do with locking or
> multiple insert context but I can find nothing in the firebird
> manual, in fact they imply there is no issue.
> thanks ross


Not the answer to your question, but I think you should provide logic to
handle null's on your trigger.

Had you checked if you are getting some kind of infinite recursion with
this trigger ?

see you !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil

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