Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.0 Release Notes: EXECUTE BLOCK, RETURNING CLAUSE, COMPOUND INDEX
Author Dmitry Yemanov
crizoo4712 wrote:
> In order to be able to return multiple rows, I changed it to:
> EXECUTE BLOCK returns (out integer)
> AS
> for select f1 from T2 into out do
> suspend;
> This causes the error "-104 - Token unknown line 5, column 1 ;".
> Whats up here?

Can you create a stored procedure with the same body?

> 2. The RETURNING CLAUSE for inserts is announced as available in DSQL
> and PSQL. The usage in PSQL is no problem.
> In contradiction to the announced DSQL-Availability it is written in
> the Notes, that the INTO part is allowed in PSQL only and rejected in
> DSQL (everybody expects this..).

What does everybody expect? The INTO clause is not needed for DSQL in
the same way as you just do SELECT instead of SELECT INTO.

> it available in DSQL or not?


> What is meant by "protocol roundtrip"?

A single packet handshake (send-reply).

> 3. SELECTIVITY MAINTENANCE per Segment is announced.
> Can one select values of columns which are the 2nd element of a
> compound index for example and have an index access?

Nope, this is impossible.
