Subject InProduction Fast Upgrade 1.52->1.54
Author Alan McDonald
I've tested this method of upgrade for a fast upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4
and it seems to work OK, but I'd like to see if anyone else has tried and
failed with this method.
1.Extract the zip of 1.5.4 adjacent to 1.5.2 install DIR
2.copy the UDF libs, aliases, firebird.conf file to the new install DIR.
3.copy security.fdb to new DIR
4.copy msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll to new DIR (I forget why these were needed -
the control panel applet??) - maybe they are not needed with 1.5.4
5.the control panel applet can remain
6.when the moment is right... stop the service, rename Firebird_1_5 to
Firebird_1_5OLD and the extracted folder e.g. Firebird- to
7.restart the service.

Anyone know if I'm headed for disaster with this?
Alan McDonald