Subject Re: [firebird-support] New User
Author Helen Borrie
Hello Michael,

At 10:54 AM 26/06/2007, you wrote:
>I am totally new to Firebird_2_0, I am trying to use this program with
>IBExpert, when I set up on a local server I get the following message:-
>Attempting to connect to:
>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Music.mdb
>Connecting... Failed!
>Connection authorization failure.
>Attempting to connect to services manager... Passed!
>Disconnecting from database... Passed!
>How can Access not be a valid database?
>Why do I get this message, am I doing something wrong?

Firebird is a database server for Firebird (and some InterBase)
databases. In a paralllel way, you can only access an Access
database with the appropriate vendor software (Access or
MSDE). (Likewise, Oracle databases via Oracle server software, MSSQL
databases via MSSQLServer software...and so on...)

If you want a sample Firebird database to play with, there is one
named "employee.fdb" in the ..\examples\empbuild directory of your
Firebird installation. Study the Quick Start Guide (in the ..\docs
directory) for the valid connection strings. It's a pretty horrible
database but IBExpert should be able to connect to it.
