Subject Re: Migrating from IB5.6 to Firebird
Author amoradell
Via Gbak or services API dont make a difference but you have to be
sure that :

- client dll is fb15 version, not ib56 (especially if gds32 is in
system32) : services api dont work with ib56 version. if you can use
fbclient.dll, its better.
==> to control : "instclient q g" from firebird\bin
- with gbak, use fb15 version. (the ib56 gbak is only here to backup
a fb15 database dialect 1 and restore with ib56 - if you have the
opportunity of such operation).


--- In, "bausufm" <bausufm@...>
> thanks Alexandre,
> now i feel a lot better about upgrading our customer databases.
> But i have another question:
> do your prefer backup/restore using gbak tool or do you use the
> services api. if latter: which components do you use. IBOAdmin?
> ibscript.dll ...?
> falko :-)
> --- In, "amoradell" <amoradell@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Falko,
> >
> > Yes, it's safe to backup ib56 databases with fb15 and after
> > them with fb15.
> >
> > I have done it with several hundred and it works fine.
> > I stay with the same dialect (1).
> >
> > To reuse a database with ib56 from fb15, you have to use the old
> > with fb15 running and restore with this old gbak with ib56
> > ib56 cant open an ods 10 database.
> >
> > For the installation, try with a pc with ib56 installed because
> > firebird setup watches registry entry from interbase and stop if
> > finds one.
> > we had to desinstall interbase or "hide" registry entry.
> >
> > Alexandre
> >
> > --- In, "bausufm" <bausufm@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, Helen Borrie
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > At 05:38 PM 18/06/2007, Paul Hope wrote:
> > > > >I had been told some time ago that to go from IB5.6 to FB
1.5 I
> > must
> > > > >
> > > > >Backup under IB5.6
> > > > >Restore to FB 1.03
> > > > >Backup under FB1.03
> > > > >Restore to FB 1.5
> > > > >
> > > > >Is this correct?
> > > >
> > > > Correct? Shouldn't be.
> > > >
> > > > Fb 1.5 shouldn't have any trouble restoring from a gbak file
> > created
> > > > on IB 5.6. Can you describe the problems you have
> > > >
> > > > The main concern with IB 5.6 databases will be the
> > > > dialect. Presumably, if your customer has instructed you to
> > upgrade
> > > > to Firebird 1.5, they want you to be able take advantage of
> > > > language enhancements and newer data types...
> > > >
> > > > ./heLen
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hi Helen,
> > > 1) we have to upgrade all our customer databases from ib56 to
> > > dialect 1 (dialect 3 will be a step in the future).
> > > 2) we don't want to have ib56 and fb15 running at the same time.
> > > 3) we cannot ensure that our customers backup all their
> > > (>100) with ib56 before upgrading to fb15.
> > >
> > > ->my solution: backup the old (ODS9.1) databases with fb15 and
> > > restoring them to get the new ODS.
> > > i tested it with several databases. they were all fine as far
as i
> > can
> > > see.
> > > -> my question: is it really save? what can go wrong?
> > >
> > > Falko
> > >
> >