Subject Re: [firebird-support] question about the FB superserver cache
Author Alexandre Benson Smith

Puigsegur, Jordi wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a ~2 Gig database which acts as a cache of information behind a
> busy webpage. This database is read-intensive + some inserts. We have
> been gradually increasing the number of cache pages (i.e. the
> firebird.conf file: DefaultDbCachePages = 50000). So far each increase
> has turn out in a performance improvement. We would like to know how far
> can we keep increasing this parameter and experience performance
> improvement? We run FB 2.0 on Windows 2K3, with lots of memory
> available (obviously that is a limit). Since we use 4Kb. pages the fb
> process occupies ~200 Mb.

I would increase the page size to 16k the maximum size of cache is 128k
pages if I recall correct.

> Any experiences with FB 2.0 superserver with lots of cache pages on
> Windows? Any advise?
> And finally, is there any way to set up different values for different
> databases?

Yes, use gfix -buffers to set the cache for individual databases...

> Thanks,
> Jordi.

see you !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil