Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Delphi7 (with dbexpress) on wine
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:31 AM 27/05/2007, you wrote:

>The fbserver runs on localhost, where firewall allows full access. In
>all cases of fbserver (fbserver.exe on wine,
>linux fb2, linux fb1) that I described I can connect with isql and
>execute selects on the database that the
>executable uses. The problem shoulb beon the client side. The messages:
>ubuntu (Client) Sat May 26 13:12:57 2007
> INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10065
>ubuntu (Client) Sat May 26 13:13:02 2007
> INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10065
>appears in firebird.log, so I think that something is arriving to db (I
>don`t know if it arrives in the right way).

No, it means your application (the Client)
attempted to connect to a Firebird server in a
Windows environment and the request failed
because the Windows host (Wine in this case)
could not establish a route to this Windows server.

>My .ini file:
>DriverName=UIB FireBird15

This is a Windows file specification. You have
Firebird 1.5 running on Ubuntu. Your database
has to be in a Linux directory in the physical
filesystem and you use a Linux file specification to connect.

Suppose you move the database to a directory
named /base_de_dados, then your connection request would be:


>Both via localhost or local protocol it comes the same error.

Only TCP/IP (including local loopback, i.e. via
localhost) is possible for this
environment. "Local protocol" is something quite
different on Linux and won't work for any
external client. Your Wine server is running
your application as an external client.

>Where can I find a sample .exe (and a .fdb) which access firebird to
>test on my system?

The Quick Start Guide for Firebird. If it is
missing from the Ubuntu installation, you can
download it from the Firebird website, via the Fb
1.5 download page or the Documentation Index.
