Subject Is there a way for a stored procedure to know its own name ?
Author olivier_lucaes
Dear all,

I'm trying to find an issue that happens time to time (2 times per
month) that triggers the crash of the firebird server. The server is a
superserver, version 1.5.2 running on a Linux box. There are usually 5
users working on 5 five different clients during the day.
I have around 350 stored procedures. In my application, there are only
few read access that are done out of the scope of the stored
procedures. Last time this happened, this was somehow easy to
reproduce therefore I found it easily.
This time, I have no clue what could cause the issue and it is not
easy to recognize which client has really triggered the error.
Therefore I would like to insert a kind of debugging message in all
procedures. I would call at the beginning and at the end a new stored
procedure that would get the calling procedure name in parameter.
In order to insert by copy and past a piece of code I wanted to know
if the name of the procedure is available in any reserved word,
built-in function or so ?
If anyone has any idea how to debug this king of error (I can not
reproduce the 'productive' activity on my test version...), I'm opened
to any hint.
Unfortunately I don't have the exact message found in the firebird
log, but it is the same that I used to have when there was a data
overflow. It just mentions that the server crashes and that it is
Thanks and best regards