Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Increasing memoryusage and decreasing performance
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:11 PM 25/04/2007, you wrote:
>Hello Helen,
>there are no other clients. The server is running local on the same
>computer as the application. I'm doing no Commitretaining. There is
>more than one update-query executed for different columns of that record.

Suppose there are 50 columns. Are you executing one update statement
for each column, like

update atable
set column1 = :avalue
where pk = 99

update atable
set column2 = :bvalue
where pk = 99

update atable
set column3 = :bvalue
where pk = 99

.... and so on...

and you restart this cycle every 60 seconds?

>When the machine is running there are normally only these updates
>running on the DB.

Can you show the client code that executes?

Are there any update triggers on the table?
