Subject SMP under SuperServer
Author sjlukacs
hello one and all,

i just got a new server with 2 processors on it and installed firebird superserver on it. a particularly intensive sql statement
initiated through a tcp/ip connection with a delphi program causes
fbserver to go to 50% CPU usage. even if CPUAffinity is set to 3.
that would be ok, however, other sql statements grind to a complete
halt until the former statement is done processing.

i once setup an old server of mine with classic because of the same
problem. however, i installed super because i thought it might work
ok with the particular motherboard construction and that super has
been updated so much.

is there a way to optimize super 1.5 to use both processors with
multiple and nearly simultaneous sql statements without the bog down i
seem to be experiencing? or, will have have to go to classic? i
would consider the latter a step backwards. no?

does fbserver v2 fix the above or not. i have been a bit reluctant to
goto to 2 because of my limited time towards migration and testing.
thank you in advance and have a great day.
