Subject Re: [firebird-support] winxp: Run firebird from commandprompt
Author Jonas Gauffin

Thank you for your answer.
FbServer exists directly when I run it from a command prompt. I do expect it
to continue to run until I press CTRL+C or similiar.
That's why I thought that I needed to provide some command arguments to it.

Same thing with fbguard, it exists asap too, here is a copy/paste from the
command prompt (neither of them prints any messages):




Best regards,

On 12 Apr 2007 02:31:13 -0700, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 06:57 PM 12/04/2007, you wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >I want to run firebird from the commandprompt (and eventually launch it
> from
> >my own watchguard).
> >How do I that?
> >
> >fbserver.exe just exists when I try to run it, and I cannot find any
> >documented command arguments.
> When you run fbserver.exe from the command-line it runs as an
> application in the logged-on user's application space. There's
> really nothing else to know - what command-line arguments were you
> expecting? But it's better to run fbguard.exe (the Guardian) when
> running fbserver as an application. It will start fbserver.exe
> automatically and restart it if it crashes for some reason.
> If you want documentation about how to install it from the
> command-line as a service, to be started on demand, then it is all
> documented in the readme file in the \doc subdirectory in
> readme.instsvc.txt.
> ./heLen

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