Subject Re: [firebird-support] Out of subject: mailing list administration
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:46 AM 28/02/2007, you wrote:
>since few days, each time i post a new message, i receive a lot of MAIL
>DAEMON FAILURE saying my message cannot be forwarded to some adresses
>(about 20)
>I'm sure those messages should not return to me but, at least, to the
>list administrator

You seem to be referring to the Sourceforge lists, some of which
might need a tweak in configuration. Contact me privately with a
specific example and I can look into it.

You should not be getting this kind of response from the Yahoo groups
lists, since they run on Windows hosting, which doesn't do daemons. :-)

So - if you are getting this kind of message in relation to Yahoo
lists, it will be coming from our mirror newsgroup server. It
usually indicates that you have tried to post a list message from a
news client while not being a subscribed member of that list.

>Am i alone in this case?
>Is it the result of a misconfiguration of the mailing list?
>Is there a way to inform an administrator about that?

The proper way, of course, is to contact the list administrator from
the link in the message header. In future, please do that, to avoid
having your individual mailer problems intruding on others' genuine
technical issues.
