Subject Re: [firebird-support] Grant privleges - HELP
Author Jose Ostos
Are you logging in the user with a ROLE? Roles also have privelages and
if the user does not have privaleges but the role does, it allows the
user to delete.


brcr11 wrote:
> I have Firebird 1.5 and it seems to have been fine for the past year
> but something has happened to privleges that has me stumped.
> Using the Firebird ISQL tool that came with Firebird I revoked ALL
> privledges for a user to all tables in my DB and confirmed it had
> worked by looking at the privledges in IBEasy. It showed NO privleges
> for the user for all tables in the DB. I log onto the DB with IBEasy as
> the revoked user and it won't allow me to update a record but I can add
> and delete records. I thought perhaps it was IBEasy but using the ISQL
> tool I was able to connect as the user with NO privleges and delete
> records. This is a real killer since my application relies on the
> privleges to keep specific users from deleting from the DB. I'm pretty
> sure this worked in the past but in playing with the DB I've messed up
> something.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob Ritter

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