Subject RE: [firebird-support] Disconnected User
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi
> I have asked before, but never really gotten an answer that could help me.
> So here I go again.
> Here in our house we have several DB servers and several Terminal
> Servers.
> Users connect from everywhere to our Terminal Server and run our
> program which connect to a Firebird server.
> Every once in a while (and this is in average every second day) a user
> somehow disconnects unexpectally. It could be:
> -
> Turns off the PC at the remote site.
> Our Terminal Server will then after 5 minuttes reset the session.
> -
> Instead of closing our program, and doing a logoff (which they should
> do, but doesn't) they just close the Remote Session.
> Our Terminal Server will then after 5 minutes reset the session.
> -
> They loose the internet connection (or we do).
> Our Terminal Server will then after 5 minutes reset the session.
> -
> The program has an run time error.
> What happens is, that the user stays connected to Firebird. Eventhough
> the program isn't running anymore.
> Usually Firebird detects this and removes the user connection.
> But not here. I have seen a user connected for more than 72 hours
> (when no others where connected to our terminal server).
> Only solution is to stop and start the Firebird Server.
> Every nigth at around 23.00 the last user disconnects.
> And usually noone connects until 6.00 in the morning.
> So at least 7 hours of inactivity, where Firebird should detect it.
> But doesn't.
> Our hardware/Software setup:
> Terminal Servers.
> OS:
> Windows 2000, Windows 2003 SP1 or Windows 2003 R2 SP1
> Either using Windows Terminal Server or Citrix as remote Connection.
> They all results in hanging users.
> DB Servers:
> Windows 2000, Windows 2003 SP1 or Windows 2003 R2 SP1
> All running Firebird 1.5.3 SS.
> Some has been running Firebird 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and have been
> upgraded. Problem has been there in all those versions.
> If I'm correct, then the standard settings in the OS regarding
> KeepAliveTime will be around 2 hours.
> This should result in Firebird releasing the disconnected user after
> at least 2 hours.
> But this doesn't happen.

when this situation is apparent, have you tried looking at the task
manager|process list to see if you application is still active?
I have a similar setup and I know the "citrix boys" have "said" they have
made citrix release ALL resources when a session is lost. I am yet to see
this in the flesh as you are describing but I wonder if task manager and
killing the application process is possible in lieu of stop/starting the
fbserver process?