Subject Re: [firebird-support] 1.5.3 on linux amd64
Author William L. Thomson Jr.
On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 01:51 +0100, Michael Weissenbacher wrote:
> Hi,
> I am the one who reported the bug against the gentoo ebuild.
> AFAIK the following still holds true:

Having read that issue, I still think we are clearly talking about known
issues with Firebird builds. That would be official builds. Not any
downstream builds coming from upstream sources. Again, per user builds
as we do not ship binaries. Just re-distribute upstream sources plus any
Gentoo specific or general patches.

I am not seeing issues were people that have successfully compiled
Firebird from source on amd64 are reporting problems. Having run it for
some time, compiled from source both on x86, and amd64. I have not had
any problems myself.

If there are any test cases that are know to produce an error, failure,
data corruption or etc. Please let me know, I will happily run them as
time permits.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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