Subject Re: unattended firebird backup
Author p_b_turner
sorry for the delay.....

quite certain it's not the gbak command itself, but rather something
having to do with either XP or my account on XP. tried this on my
home machine (win 2000 pro), both logged in and not, and in both
cases, it worked. sent the batch file to myself at work. tried it
here and it only works if i'm logged in.

just in's the script line....

note: our installation path is different from the standard -
c:\SNC\QADatabase, and the password is changed.

"C:\SNC\QADatabase\Firebird\bin\gbak" -b -user SYSDBA -pass
omnipotent "localhost:C:\SNC\QADatabase\Firebird\examples\employee.fdb
" "C:\SNC\QADatabase\Firebird\examples\test.fbk"



--- In, "Adam" <s3057043@...> wrote:
> --- In, "p_b_turner" <PBTiam@>
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Looking for a solution where I can backup a Firebird 1.5 database
> > unattended using gbak. I've tried a scheduled batch file,
> > app, and a service app, all with the same result. if i'm logged
> > all work fine. if i'm logged out, none run. if i lock the
> > it works. came across a discussion (message 65333, etc.) where
> > talks about adding localhost: to the path of the database. tried
> > this with no luck.
> >
> > this is currently being developed on Windows XP, but would like
> > something that would run across various Windows platforms (98,
> > 2003, XP, Vista) - which is why I was leaning towards the task
> > scheduler.
> >
> > note: all path references in apps and batch files are fully
> > (eg. c:\directory\...., no "assumed" paths).
> >
> > Any thoughts, suggestions, comments would be welcome.
> It works for me on 2000 server, 2003 server and XP. Post your gbak
> command line.
> Adam