Subject HELP - Database Integrity Failed (Serious Provblem)
Author Kurt Schneider
Hello Firebird User's

Sorry my bad bad English

I have a BIG problem. It's serious problem envolving Integrity of Database.
I Have 200 users with Firebird database. One users was related problem with
tables and integrity.
My strutcture have table Salles and SallesItens. Salles have ORDSALLES
(primary key) and SallesItens have (ORDSALLESITEM = primary Key) and
(ORDSALLES = foreign Key) and is mandatory NOT NULL. My operation in
Software (exe) is envolved in Transaction (Commit Rollback).
This structure and one user, 4 registers exists in SallesItens and NOT exist
in Salles. !!!!
The integrity is hability and functional. Both that when set ORDSALLES in
SallesItens with Value not existent in SALLES, the integrity indicates Check

But, the error exist and the client is Bad :-) . The biggest problem is the
lost of credibilite for Firebird, in my Job.

Then, i must find the possible cause, urgently
- Database was Corrupted? Why?
- Energy Oscillation? It's frequelty cause?
- Transaction Abort?

How to recover?

Thanks for Help, It's important.

Best Regards.

Kurt Schneider - [ Analista de Sistema ]
Especialista em Analise e Desenvolvimento de Software
ControlSoft - Assessoria e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
e-mail: kjundia@...
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - SatirĂ¡s - De Juvenal

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