Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird Crash
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:28 AM 28/11/2007, you wrote:
>Linux Centos 5
>Firebird SuperServer 1.5.3
>Php 5.1.4
>Jboss 4.0.1
>Apache 2.0.59
>When run a process and server is about 100%, firebird crash and
>restart. The following message appears in Firebird.log
>tux (Client) Mon Nov 26 17:41:29 2007
>/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: bin/fbserver terminated abnormally (-1)
>What's happening?

You tell us! :-) What other messages do you see in the log before the crash message?

Are you calling any UDFs? If so, what are they and where did you get them?
