Subject firebird on debian SQLCODE = -902 as normal user
Author Andi Voss

I installed firebird2 on my debian etch:
aptitude install firebird2-classic-server firebird2-common firebird2-dev
firebird2-examples firebird2-server firebird2-server-common
firebird2-utils-classic libfirebird2-classic

All is correct installed.
When I connect as root to my db through isql-fb everything is ok.
When I do this as a normal user "andi" I get always:
andi@mrburns:~$ isql-fb
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> CONNECT 'database.gdb';
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902

operating system directive open failed
-Permission denied

The database is listed in aliases.conf.
I tested it also with absolut path - same problem.

The database (permissions):
mrburns:/var/lib/firebird2/data# ls -l
-rwxrwxrwx 1 firebird firebird 412581888 2007-11-26 08:20 database.gdb

The user "andi" is in the group of firebird (excerpt from /etc/group):

andi@mrburns:~$ groups
andi firebird

Directory permissions:
mrburns:/var/lib/firebird2# ls -l
drwxrwxrwx 2 firebird firebird 4096 2007-11-26 08:12 data

I set all the permissions to 0777 only for testing!

I can't also connect to the help.fdb or security.fdb - the same behaviour.

I'm using firebird on many machines, but always using the tarball from and everything is working fine, I've never had such
I searched but didn't find a solution.
Is in Debian something special? I would like to use the packages from
debian to keep a consistent system using aptitude/apt-get.

Any ideas?