Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Please Advise
Author Ahmad $arhan ****
Alan McDonald <alan@...> wrote: > I already moved to a new Server IBM X3400 with 4GB RAM,,
> but still slow as before (No changes)
> before time I did backup and restore my GDB using
> IBExpert2.5 for firebird , it was getting faster and the
> file size decreasing to 1/4 (140MB to about 34MB) , but after
> few days it starts slow down again, and size increasing,,,
> should I make (back-up & Restore) every day?
> anyway back-up & Restore is not very effective as much I need
> ~{ Ahmad F. Sarhan }~

This sounds like you are doing a lot of inserts followed by a lot of
deletes. That's not bad but if performance is down, then I'd look to indexes
as the culprit.
Backup nightly, test restore nightly too to a separate location, but no, you
don't need to restore to the live system every noght - total waste of time.
You need to look at the Indexes with the specific queries in mind. If the
application code is not accessible to you, i.e. you don't know the exact
queries it is using then you'll have to make some intelligent guesses on
what fields to check for indexes or add them where missing.


how can i deal with the indexes, i.e what should I do to check that indexes, I am sorry I am not developer, I can access all the code of application, triggers, functions, etc...

~{ Ahmad F. Sarhan }~

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