Subject Re: [firebird-support] gbak question
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:12 PM 7/11/2007, you wrote:
>Hey all,
>Reading about gbak I stumbled on this little bit of information:
> -r[eplace_database]
> Restores over an existing database. This can only be performed by
>SYSDBA or the owner of the database that is overwritten. Do NOT
>restore over a database that is in use! [Firebird 1.0, 1.5]
>Does this mean that it is OK to restore over an existing database that
>is in use if you're running Firebird 2.0.3?

No. Very much NOT OK.

>And if it's not OK, how do I then best go about restoring a running

You simply don't do that. Ever. Actually, it's not a very bright idea to restore over a database that isn't running, either. The gbak restore switches have been modified in Fb 2 to make it harder to do that by the release notes.
