Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: possible bug with firebird2/isc_version (??)
Author Dmitry Yemanov
jrmrenegade wrote:
> This library that I have uses stdcall for all windows versions, so
> this brings up the question: Is this library wrong? should all the
> dll functions be called with cdecl? Is the calling convention
> requirements documented anywhere?

The official API is ibase.h:

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

#define ISC_EXPORT __stdcall
typedef void (* isc_callback) ();
int ISC_EXPORT isc_version(isc_db_handle *, isc_callback, void *);

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

So, we see that isc_version() call is a "stdcall" one, while the
callback argument is not. It implies that it's "cdecl".
