Subject Re: [firebird-support] Interbase connection problem
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:52 PM 25/01/2007, you wrote:
>I'm using Interbase 6 and IBExpert.
>I connect to the database using a scripting language.
>Initially, my script ran even when IBExpert was connected to my
>database. But now, only one of them can access my database. I mean,
>either my script runs or IBExpert connects to the database.
>i must admit that in my script i forgot to close the database
>connections and i have run it many times. (are connection objects
>created in scripting languages persistent? can they exhaust memory?)
>These are just wild guesses.

>please provide a solution to my problem.

1. Back up database and restore under a different name.
2. Connect with any tool and test that it restored successfully.
3. Store the backup in a safe place.
4. Shut down InterBase server.
5. Uninstall InterBase 6.
6. Install Firebird 1.5.3.
7. Restore database.

Problems solved. (You are using very old, abandoned software with
thousands of known bugs, long forgotten by everyone here. Progress
into the Third Millennium!)

Once you are comfortable with the upgrade to Firebird, you can
upgrade to Firebird 2.0.x.
