Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64
Author Tom Miller
Sorry that this mail didn't go through. It only took 3 days for it to
bounce back to me :-( .
Thanks for all the help you have been giving me.

From all the information that I have gotten from everyone, this seems
more and more a FB problem.

Would it make sense at this point to reinstall? Do I need to unistall
first and how would I do that.
Should I just run the install over top the current installation?

Thanks to everyone for their help.

Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 12:39 PM 19/01/2007, you wrote:
>> xinetd is definitely running. I used "service xinetd status" . It's
>> there.
>> I tried netstat as you suggested and it returns that 3050 is
>> listening.
>> I thought that was really weird as there were serveral other services
>> that had 3050. So I am confused as whether Linux is
>> allowing the outside world to see this. I also tried ISQL and it ran
>> fine.
> Some comments:
> 1) If you used ISQL locally, i.e., not via the localhost server,
> then you are not using xinetd OR the local loopback server. You are
> connecting directly to the database via a Classic process that is
> embedded in, not an instance of the fb_inet_server
> executable started by xinetd.
Yep, that's what I did.
> 2) Do you know whether localhost is even available to a Xen virtual
> server? If not, you'll need to use the virtual server's IP address
> and the libfbclient.

so as your client library. The
> client allows a localhost connection is localhost is available but it
> can't do a connection via a real remote connection...I'm kinda
> envisaging some kind of parallel between your problem and the problem
> that a local RTS client with localhost on Windows.
Tried this, but think it is over my head. Any chance you can give me
the "For Dummies" directions :-)

> Supposing localhost is allowable by some means, does Xen know whether
> it is allowed to pass traffic between localhost and your machine's
> network node? Does your machine, at network level, know that Xen
> wants to pass traffic through localhost:3050?
> 3) If the "several other services that had" were not
> fb_inet_server then you now have somewhere to look. Port 3050 won't
> be available for a Firebird connection if something else has live
> sockets off it. So find out what those services are...if you don't
> need them, disable them. If they are needed, and they are multiple,
> they will all have trouble so, at a minimum, you will need to
> reconfigure them. Find all that out next.
They where on other ports then 3050. There where about 4 service
listening on and 3 listening on,
All where different ports, so 3050 is available and being used by FB.

> 4) If it turns out that something else really-really-really must use
> port 3050 then you can change Firebird's service port. Detailed
> instructions are in the Firebird 1.5 release notes. (Albeit, we
> still don't know whether it's Xen that's doing this to you...)
See comment above.
> 5) I suppose you have actually checked in /etc/hosts to see whether
> localhost is configured. (Sorry, I don't know anything about SuSE's
> graphical tools to know how you could check and configure this With
> Pretty Pictures...)
Actually I am not to bad with vi. I didn't check the /etc/hosts file.
What should be in there?

There is a localhost ,

> ./heLen
Here is some info from tcpdump (suggested by the folks over in the XEN
list server). is my computer. linux1fb.webonedeveloper is
the server.

21:46:05.014922 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16073, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 48) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: S, cksum 0x2f3f (correct),
1811397902:1811397902(0) win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>
21:46:05.015192 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16074, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 40) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: ., cksum 0x9c5c (correct),
1811397903:1811397903(0) ack 3356227466 win 64240
21:46:05.015486 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16075, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 148) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: P 0:108(108) ack 1 win 64240
21:46:08.592802 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16076, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 48) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: S, cksum 0xdba8 (correct),
1112554059:1112554059(0) win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>
21:46:08.593032 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16077, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 40) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: ., cksum 0xa4a1 (correct),
1112554060:1112554060(0) ack 3359087491 win 64240
21:46:08.593215 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 16078, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 148) >
linux1fb.webonedeveloper.gds_db: P 0:108(108) ack 1 win 64240