Subject "C" compile errors in gpre declarations
Author sstdenis0
I am trying to compile a C program with embedded SQL statements. I
used the gpre utility to precompile
my program. Since I am using the C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2005,
I used the extern "C" { /*...*/ } construct in all my header and
source files to tell the a compiler that this is C code. I have
include ibase.h and iberror.h in my project.

When I try to build the project, I get compile errors due in the GPRE
definitions section of the program. These include undefined types
such as isc_db_handle, isc_tr_handle and ISC_LONG even though they are
defined in ibase.h. For standard C types, I get the error "C2143:
syntax error: mising ';' before 'type'".

I am using Firebird 2.0.

Any help would be appreciated.