Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird 2.0 on Windows 2003: Cannot attach to services manager
Author Milan Babuskov
dobedani wrote:
> Ok, thanks Milan. I will get something to replace IBConsole. What
> about my other questions? Are they all caused by IBConsole??? I find
> it hard to imagine. I was unable to use gsec! Any further help will
> be appreciated!

The error message clearly suggests that you need to supply username and

> C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird2_0\bin>gsec -database
> "localhost:C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird2_0\security2.fdb"
> Cannot attach to services manager
> user name and password are required while attaching to the services
> manager

So, just add:

-user sysdba -pass ******

to the command line.

Milan Babuskov