Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Norton or ZoneAlarm stopping local connection
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:19 AM 3/01/2007, you wrote:
> > Which version of Firebird? 1.5x or 2.0? Classic or Superserver?
>1.5. I believe Superserver but am not sure--how do I tell?

The SS executable is called fbserver.exe. Classic is
fb_inet_server.exe. Look in your Firebird bin directory and see
which executable is there - the installer installs one or the other,
but not both.

Alternatively (or as an extra check) inspect the property sheet of
the service (from the Services applet in Admin Tools from the control
panel). The "Path to Executable" field there (middle of the first -
General - sheet) shows which application is run by the service.

If it turns out to be fbserver.exe then your problem is due to your
using a TS client, as others have explained.
