Subject Password problems
Author drstanl
Hello group,

I installed FB 1.5.3 and used EMS SQL Manager (free version) to create
a couple of databases with several tables each, and wrote a couple of
apps for those dbs.

A week later, EMS wouldn't let me connect to either db, complaining
that the user/pw was wrong, and I needed to "ask my database
administrator" for an account. However, I was on my laptop (XP), and
had no idea what to do.

So I uninstalled FB and reinstalled. That worked (using, of course,
sysdba and masterke). Got some more work done. Now, another week
later (ok, so you've detected that I'm working on these programs only
on the weekends) and I cannot access either database. EMS says "Your
user name and password are not defined. Ask your database
administrator to set up a Firebird login." I get a similar complaint
if I try to use gsec to connect.

I'm totally lost. Haven't a clue why sysdba/masterke is no longer
effective on either DB (I do recall changing the pw on one of them,
but the first reinstall seemed to wipe that out, as I was again able
to access it), and why the reinstall of FB no longer works.

Please advise !