Subject Re: [firebird-support] French special characters
Author Stefan Heymann

you must use the same character set for the database (server side) and
for the client. ISO8859_1 is OK for French.

See more here:

Best Regards


> Hello,
> On windows XP, I'm not able to see the same french characters résults
> depending on witch tool is creating/selecting data.

> Here is the case:

> after creating a database with ISO8859_1 charset
> with a table
> create table TT (l varchar(10));

> from isql:
> insert into tt (l) values ('aéèàùçzISQ');
> from IBExpert:
> insert into tt (l) values ('aéèàùçzIBE');

> select l from tt;
> from ISQL
> L
> ==========
> aÚÞÓ¨þzIBE
> aéèàùçzISQ

> from IBexpert
> aéèàùçzIBE
> a?????zISQ

> I have tried to use -ch ISO8859_1/SET NAMES ISO8859_1 option within
> isql without any success

> How could I correct this ?

Stefan Heymann