Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to stop the Firebird service on Linux
Author Philippe Makowski

Le 24/08/2006 22:28, Milan Babuskov a dit :
> Philippe,
> Philippe Makowski wrote:
>>> I'm somewhat embarrased to pose this question, but I am having some
>>> difficulty. I am running Firebird 1.5 on RedHat Enterprise and do not
>>> know how to halt just the Firebird database engine. Currently to halt
>>> the engine, I am having to stop the xinetd service (Firebird is an
>>> xinetd based service), which is not desirable.
>>> So, how do I simply stop the database engine only, such that it is no
>>> longer accepting connections? Thank you.
>> as root
>> chkconfig --level 345 firebird off
> correct me if I'm wrong, but chkconfig only manipulates the S* and K*
> scripts in /etc/rc*.d directories. It is a correct way to do it for
> SuperServer, but quite useless for the problem the OP is having: running
> Classic via xinetd.
no, it is working too (I made the test on my Mandriva box) for xinetd