Subject Re: [firebird-support] Reserved words and Procedures
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:00 AM 3/08/2006, you wrote:

>Helen Borrie wrote:
> > At 12:24 AM 3/08/2006, you wrote:
> >
> >> DAY, MONTH, YEAR are Firebird Reserved word, that's why it is
> >> showing on quote. Replace the variable name. Do not use any keyword
> >> as variable or procedure name or field name. Firebird will make
> this in quote.
> >>
> >
> > Not true. Firebird doesn't apply quotes, it just rejects attempts to
> > use reserved words as identifiers, and allows them if the reserved
> > words are double-quoted.
> >
> > ./heLen
> >
> >
>I tried that and it still rejected them. Maybe it is because they are
>still on dialect 1

You got it.
