Subject Table size on disk - how to find?
Author penwincz
(I apologize in advance if you get this message twice - I sent the
first one before actually subscribing to the group and I am not sure
now if it will actually make it into the list)

I would like to reduce the size of my Firebird 1.5 database. In order
to do that I need to know on which tables I should focus. Is there
some way to find out how much space is a table and its associated
metadata (such as indexes) taking up? I thought I could get at least
the data size (not index size) by reading a number of pages from
RDB$PAGES and multiplying it with page size, but the results seem to
be way off ("SELECT count(*) FROM rdb$pages" only lists about 600
pages for a 700+ MB database with page size of 4 KB). Is there some
better way? I only need to do this once or twice, so a standalone
application that would list this information for me would be just
fine, although I would prefer to be able to read this information
from the database from my application.

Thanks, Pepak