Subject RE: [firebird-support] setting column delimiters for iSql
Author Nigel Weeks
> >
> >Thanks in advanced guys!
> select
> '#' || username || '#' || userid || '#' as usernameandid
> from atable

For even more control, you could schedule a small php app with crontab:

# Run the transfer script every night at midnight
0 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

-------- The transfer script (, chmod +x to make it
executable) ----------
#!/usr/local/bin/php -e

$conn = ibase_connect("server:/path/to/db.fdb","sysdba","masterkey");
$delimiter = "#";
$endline = "\r\n";
$sql = "select * from table";
// ----- You shouldn't need to change anything below here -------
$rec = ibase_query($sql);
$cols = count($rec);
while($row = ibase_fetch_row($rec)){
for($a = 0; $a < $cols, $a++){
echo $row[$a];
if($a+1 < $cols){
echo $delimiter;
} // End of delimiter echo between columns
} // End of for loop
echo $endline;
} // End of while loop