Subject Re: Ruby on the rails?
Author langleydeveloper
--- In, Robin Davis <ro.davis@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anybody having a dabble with ruby on the rails and firebird? If so,
> could somebody point me in the right direction for connecting firebird
> to ruby? Or just to some understandable documentation?
> Thanks,
> Rob Davis

Firebird should run out-of-the-box with a recent Ruby or Ruby on Rails
release. With pure Ruby, you'll use FireRuby directly. My installation
(Windows one-click install) has a helpful README at
"gems\1.8\gems\fireruby-0.4.1-mswin32\doc", which is distinct (and
more helpful) than that at
"gems\1.8\doc\fireruby-0.4.1-mswin32\rdoc\files\doc". This README has
sample code that works with little or no modification.

To connect Ruby on Rails to Firebird, you need do nothing other than
modify the "database.yml" file -- which Rails will create in your
project tree -- like..

adapter: firebird
database: <physical path to your database file>
username: sysdba
password: masterkey
host: localhost

Rails is database agnostic, so that's it. But some Rails features
(like migrations) are not implemented yet for Firebird.

My experimental Rails projects have worked fine with Firebird.
However, the Rails unit tests throw a segmentation fault for me when
run against Firebird.


John Langley