Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: How to 'upper' characters with accents?
Author Nando Dessena

p> I thought it may have been to do with codesets... much easier than I
p> was expecting. I changed the charset and collation and UPPER(MyText)
p> now works correctly without problem, great.
p> However I've been unable to achieve (2) - I thought maybe I could set
p> the charset/collation of MyUText column to something like ASCII, but
p> calling 'set MyUText = upper(MyText)' fails with an
p> overflow/truncation - no surprise I guess. Do you think some variation
p> on this approach would work or is this never going to work?

if you're going to do case-insensitive comparisons then you need a
case-insensitive collation. UPPER is a workaround. For
accent-insensitivity, you need an accent-insensitive collation. In the
case of accents, there's not even a workaround.

Now, the problem is that AFAIK Fb2 doesn't include any CI or AI
collations for western languages out of the box. :-(

Nando Dessena
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