Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: From IB 7.5 to FB 1.5.3
Author Johannes Pretorius
good day Adam

Yes I have tried that , but it failed.

I will try and create a clean db with scripts and move from there. If it works. It is worth it.

Thanks for the help and efforts.

Yours Sincerely

>Hello Johannes,
>It was not clear from your post which version of gbak you used to do
>what, but the following technique can be used to bring a Firebird 2
>database back to 1.5 (providing no specific new functionality is
>used), so it may be worth a try.
>Use the FIREBIRD gbak tool to connect to the IB7.5 server and make a
>backup. Then use the FIREBIRD gbak tool to restore this file. I can't
>make any promises because I have never done it, but there is no harm
>in trying.
>Failing that, as Lester suggested a datapumping tool should be able
>to manage it. You probably don't need to go all the way back to the
>sql script level, although that will help if you have used some new
>feature of IB 7.5 not implemented in Firebird 1.5.
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