Subject Re: Change install directory on HP-UX 11.11
Author cedric_maucourt
> On further investigation the problem has nothing to do with
libraries / permissions etc
> but has everyting to do with the server (e.g. isql etc) to find and
load firebird.conf.
> HPUX's lack of a truss or trace tool is particularly irritating, but
a google search
> found something called tusc...
> Once you have ln -s'd the appropriate library's
> do the following and make sure this environment variable is
available to all processes
> that will use Firebird
> FIREBIRD=/soft/fbd152
> export FIREBIRD
> Everything should work ok...
> btw where do I send the bill?
> Paul

Hi Paul,

I was finally able to try your solution and... it works! Now I'm able
to launch isql and create databases.
However there is another problem, still linked to the installation of
Firebird I think : I can no longer use Firebird with the Java batch I
I'm using JayBird JDBC driver v2.0.1 and "pure Java" URLs, like :
(the batch is running on the server)
When my Java classes try to connect to the database, I've got this
exception :
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544421.
connection rejected by remote interface
Reason: connection rejected by remote interface

It's strange because it worked fine with the standard installation of
Firebird in /usr/local (I checked one again to be sure).

Here are some elements of the server configuration :
- Firebird installed in the /soft/fbd152 directory;
- the line "gds_db 3050/tcp # Firebird SQL Database Remote Protocol"
is present in /etc/services;
- the line "gds_db stream tcp nowait.30000 firebird
/soft/fbd152/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server # Firebird Database
Remote Server" is present in /etc/inetd.conf;
- the file /etc/hosts.equiv exists with the entries
"localhost.localdomain" and "beahbh" (e.g. `hostname`).

I was thinking of a security database problem because everything works
fine with isql. Maybe the driver cannot locate it and there is a
problem with the identification.

I'm still searching for a solution... If you got another good idea... :)
