Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: udf won't do what it should
Author Dimitry Sibiryakov
On 23 Jun 2006 at 12:23, martinknappe wrote:

>So, does that mean there is no solution to my problem:

Why? There is: read a good book.

>I have a database where all the char fields are of unicode_fss and I
>am currently writing on a Delphi application that accesses this
>database and I want my user be able to say 'replace any occurence of a
>certain sequence of characters in field X (UNICODE_FSS) with a
>different sequence of characters'. Writing this udf seemed to me like
>the most natural way to achieve this, but if udfs dont support
>widestrings, then how could i possibly go about this?

UNICODE_FSS is not widestring. It is close to utf-8 and is sequence
of one-byte characters. Change your procedure to accept PChar and use
MBCS-aware routines instaed of Widechar routines.

SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.