Subject Novell on "Open Source Databases"
Author Aage Johansen
In the latest "Novell: Connection Magazine",
under "Market Start - EnterpriseDB",
one can read:
EnterpriseDB amplifies the benefits of PostgreSQL
by adding to it four features that are critically
important to enterprise users, but not available
from the PostgreSQL community. First,
EnterpriseDB is a reliable, accountable
company­not a loosely organized community of
developers­from which customers can acquire the
database and associated services. Second,
EnterpriseDB has extended PostgreSQL to enable it
to run database applications written for Oracle.
Third, EnterpriseDB has significantly increased
PostgreSQL's run-time performance. Finally,
EnterpriseDB provides professional-quality tools for use with the database.
... ... ...

They are discounting "loosely organized community
of developers", but being able to run apps
written for Oracle is not limited to PostGreSQL.
Are we jealous?

Aage J.