Subject Re: How can I enter a BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT of more than 32K
Author Jean-Louis Dehoux
> You may need to use a paramatised query to do that. 32K is the longest
> varchar that can be defined, so my guess is that there is some internal
> casting to handle it. How you do this depends on what language and
> components you are connecting with.
> The maximum size of a query is 64K, so even if you were to overcome
> whatever the 32K problem is, there is another brick wall just around
> the corner, so paramatised is the way to go.
> Does the server actually crash (panic, shutdown and restart), or is it
> just the that query fails ?

I am using Firebird and FlameRobin 0.7.2
The server silently crashes. If using, the Guardian, the server
restarts but the database is diconnected.
This the error received after executing the INSERT with the offending

*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Statement::Close(DSQL_drop)
Message: isc_dsql_free_statement failed.

SQL Message : -902
Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements

Engine Code : 335544721
Engine Message :
Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
Error reading data from the connection.

Anywhere I could find more info on how to do this correctly?

