Subject Re: [firebird-support] Is there a tool to find out what the database is actually doing
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:11 AM 15/06/2006, you wrote:
>The database is going into sweeps all the time, it seems.

If the SweepInterval is set to > 0 then sweeps will be started as
soon as the engine finds idle time after it finds the difference
between the Oldest [interesting] Transaction and the Oldest Active
Transaction has passed the assigned value.

>Is there any way of finding out what it is really doing?

To look at the difference[s], you can periodically run gstat -h,
which will show you these figures.

But it might not be sweeps. It could be just the garbage collection
thread working very hard.

Either way, you need to look at your application code and find out
why it is causing big build-ups of garbage. A common cause is Delphi
apps that use only Autocommit transactions and never force a hard COMMIT.

>We use Firebird 2 RC1

You're not supposed to be posting beta problems here, though I
answered this one by deducing it's not a Firebird problem.

But if you really think it is a Firebird problem, install RC2, write
a reproducible test case and post the details to Firebird-devel.

^ heLen