Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FIRST 1 question
Author Ann W. Harrison
russellbelding wrote:
> The "Natural ordering" has been identified with the order a table's
> records happen to be on disk, and if an "Order By" is missing from a
> select statement then the select statement will act as if "order by
> Natural" was written, understanding there is no "natural" ordering
> that can be used in a statement. Is this correct?

Not necessarily. The fact is that the order of rows in an unordered
statement is undefined. As an implementation artifact, rows are returned
in storage order, but that could change.
> The natural ordering of a table is affected only by insertions and
> deletions on the table. Is this correct?

Also updates.
> It was suggested that immediately following a backup and restore the
> natural ordering is the primary key ordering. Is this correct?

No. The backup/restore will (as an artifact) preserve the pre-existing

