Subject Re: order-by problem
Author martinknappe
See the logic I was following was this: Remember the code of the sp?
It went:

for select first 20 id, asterm from
where asterm = :astermin and id <= :idin
order by asterm descending, id descending
into idout, astermout

The 20 records are fetched from back to front (order by asterm
DESCENDING, id DESCENDING). So that's why I thought a simple "order by
asterm ASCENDING, id ASCENDING" on the result of the sp should revert
the order..

--- In, "Adam" <s3057043@...> wrote:
> --- In, "martinknappe" <martin@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Ok, thanx Adam,
> > I only thought that because the entries where ordered by asterm
> > descending, id descending when I picked them in the procedure, a
> > order by asterm ascending, id ascending
> > would revert that order. Dunno if you follow my apparently wrong logic
> > but I still can't see why that's wrong...
> And you still haven't explained where Firebird got it wrong. From what
> I can tell, it ordered everything according to your Order By Clause,
> the fact seems to be that you wanted it in some other order.
> Look, if I run your ORIGINAL query, I get this
> ==== ============================================================
> 20 Automatik-Abisolierzange, f
> 19 Automatik-Sicherheitsgurt, m
> 18 Automatikantenne, f
> 17 Automatikgetriebe, n
> 16 Automatikgurt, m
> 11 Automatische Umluft Control, f
> 7 Automobilklebstoff, m
> 6 Autopolitur, f
> 5 Autoradio, n
> 4 Autostaubsauger, m (1)
> 3 Autostaubsauger, m (2)
> 2 Autowachs, n
> 1 Autowaschanlage, f
> 15 automatisch zuschaltender Allradantrieb, m
> 14 automatische Abisolierzange, f
> 13 automatische Bremsanlage, f
> 12 automatische UKW-Stör-Unterdrückung, f
> 10 automatische Umluftregelung, f
> 9 automatischer Blockierverhinderer, m ABV
> 8 automatisches Getriebe, n
> Do you expect record cnt=15 to be immediately below record cnt=16??
> I warned you that the ordering was case sensitive in a previous message:
> "Two things to note:
> 1) By default, the order by will put all the upper case characters first
> .....
> "
> For English characters, you can simply change your query to.
> select *
> from get_prior_20('Autowaschanlage, f', 47)
> order by Upper(astermout) ascending, idout ascending
> In fact, you no longer need to return the cnt if this is the order you
> want.
> I do not know the ordering rules for umlauts etc, so you may need to
> read up on COLLATIONS to get it right. With the example we are looking
> at it works correctly.
> Adam