Subject Re: FB 1.5 vs. Win2003 + Xeon
Author Adam
--- In, afarias.sistemas
<afarias.sistemas@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any known issue on using FB 1.5 SS on Windows 2003 server
over a
> Xeon (HT) Processor??
> I have experienced [very] bad performances with this configuration
(tested 2
> diferent applications, on 2 diferent servers, one being a 4
processor server
> and a second one a 1 processor only)
> On the 4 processor machine we´ve attached FB to the 1st processor on
> firebird.conf.

Well if you have already set the CPU affinity (and restarted the
service after making the change), then that won't be your problem.

What does '[very] bad performances' mean? Is FBServer CPU bound / IO
Bound / not getting a chance to run because the server is also running
X, Y and Z?

What is the file extension? Are you using (drive) shadowing?
